Current Research
My research focuses primarily on using theory and novel experimental designs to provide valuable insights regarding the existence and impact of behavioral motivations in various social interactions. In gathering such insights, my research often combines methodology from the fields of economics, game theory, and psychology. Below, you will find copies of a my published papers and current working papers, and a list of other research that is currently in progress.
Published Papers
[1] "Learning to Make Better Strategic Decisions," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 84 (2012), 382 - 392 (pdf)
[2] "Stackelberg in the Lab: The Effect of Group Decision Making and 'Cooling-off' Periods," (with R. Chiu), Journal of Economic Psychology 33 (2012), 1070 - 1083 (pdf)
[3] "The Effect of Health Insurance Coverage on the Reported Health of Young Adults" (with Briggs Depew) Economics Letters 124 (2014) 406 - 410 (pdf)
[4] "The Effect of Listing Price Strategy on Real Estate Negotiations: An Experimental Study" (with Mike Seiler) Journal of Economic Psychology 52 (2016) 71-90 (pdf)
[5] "Exploiting the Guilt Aversion of Others - Do Agents do it and is it Effective?" Theory and Decision 80 (2016) 523-560 (pdf)
[6] "Price Volatility and Residential Electricity Decisions: Experimental Evidence on the Convergence of Energy Generating Source" (with Brad Ewing and Ryan Williams) Energy Economics 62 (2017) 428-437 (pdf)
[7] "The Impact of Award Uncertainty on Settlement Negotiations" (with Carl Kitchens) Experimental Economics 20 (2017) 333-367 (pdf)
[8] "Financial Markets and Genetic Variation" (with Ivalina Kalcheva and Danjue Shang) Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money 52 (2018) 64-89 (pdf)
[9] "Output Restriction and the Ratchet Effect: Evidence from a Real-Effort Work Task" (with Briggs Depew) Games and Economic Behavior 107 (2018) 182-202
[10] "Risky Business: Precarious Manhood and Investment Portfolio Decisions" (with Charlene Kalenkoski and Mike Parent) Psychology of Men and Masculinity 19 (2018) 195-202. (pdf)
[11] "Is Greed Contagious? Four Experimental Studies" (with Tamar Kugler, Jennifer Anderson, and Terry Connolly) Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 32 (2019) 579-598. (pdf)
[12] "Green is Good – The Impact of Information Nudges on the Adoption of Voluntary Green Power Plans" (with Brad Ewing and Ryan Williams) (pdf) The Energy Journal 43(1) (2022)
[13] "Pay Distribution Preferences and Productivity Effects: An Experiment" (with Alex Roomets) (pdf) Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 96 (2022)
[14] "Less is not More: 401(k) Plan Information and Retirement Planning Choices" (with Charlene Kalenkoski and Mike Parent) (pdf) Journal of Pension Economics and Finance 22 (2023) 331-351.
[15] “Probabilistic Modelling of Small Business Recovery after Hurricane – A Case Study of 2017 Hurricane Harvey” (with Daan Liang, Brad Ewing, and Lingguang Song) Natural Hazards Review 24(1) (2023) (pdf).
[16] “Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of 45 crowd-sourced experimental designs” (Christoph Huber, Anna Dreber, Jürgen Huber, Magnus Johannesson, Michael Kirchler, Utz Weitzel,… Eric Cardella,… , Felix Holzmeister) PNAS (pdf)
[17] “Behavioral Responses of Mandatory Masking Within Social Interactions” (with Briggs Depew and Ryan Williams) Public Choice 201, (2024) (pdf)
Working Papers
“Small Business Recovery and Resilience in the Aftermath of Hurricane Harvey” (with Daan Liang, Brad Ewing, and Zach Keeler) Under Review at Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
“Spillover Effects from Competitive Rank-and-Yank Systems on Employees’ Other-Regarding Behavior” (with Tamar Kugler and Kyle Mao) under review
"Inequality as an Incentive" (with Jeff Butler) (pdf)
“Spillover Effects from Competitive Rank-and-Yank Systems on Employees’ Other-Regarding Behavior” (with Tamar Kugler and Kyle Mao) under review
"Inequality as an Incentive" (with Jeff Butler) (pdf)
Other Work in Progress
“Household Recovery and Resiliency after a Hurricane: Evidence from Hurricane Ida and Laura” (with Daan Liang, Brad Ewing, and Lingguang Song, Zach Keeler, Jen Henderson, Yong Wang) data collection
"Emotions and Ingroup Bias: Fear Increases Ingroup Love, Anger Increases Outgroup Hate" (with Tamar Kugler)
“Workplace Distractions – The Effects of Internet and Phone Use on Productivity in the Workplace” (with Charlene Kalenkoski)
"Negotiation Flexible Prices"
Eric Cardella